Monday, January 26, 2009

"And I Do It So Easy.. I Make It Look So Easy."

Her sky's fully clouded by these dark shaded gray hues. Beautiful brown eyes, but with a 90% chance of precipitation, capable of soaking you. When we first met, you masked with that cold front, but baby, my swaggie's too Miami to dodge from.
Gorgeous, remember the coldest winter, you were in my nimbus and your cheeks were slightly hailing? And then i gave you that warm smile and those past memories started bailing? I gave you that sunny forecast, but your past was so pale and . .
I gave you that love rebate that you don't need to mail in. Baby, my love for you will always remain, no failing; 'till we end up with Bristal walkers or having to hold on to those hallway railings.

Kenley Jean

1 comment:

  1. even after the comment i made about the
    " first draft " .. lols
    nice .
